Friday, October 3, 2014

Hotels Turning to TripAdvisor for Renovation Ideas

The fast-paced and competitive hospitality industry is has no shortage of shakeups to the way business is conducted. In the social media age, hotels seeking can edge can no longer afford to ignore the ever-growing network of consumers who turn to one another for tips regarding where to go and who to do business with.

The New York Times recently reported that hotels are turning towards a new source for guiding their projects:

As hotels in the United States continue on a surge in spending on renovations, an ever-more-important factor driving this investment is the growing clout of review sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp, and booking sites like

Hotel brands are reading what travelers say about them — and their competitors — and planning their investments accordingly.

“It’s become a widely understood source of input for capital expenditures,” which are projected to hit a record $6 billion this year, said Bjorn Hanson, a professor at New York University’s Preston Robert Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism and Sports Management.

That is partly because people are quicker to complain on review sites and on social media, Mr. Hanson said. “Rates have gone up, so guests are expecting to see that reflected in the quality.”

In fact, most guests will sooner take their complaints to websites than hotel managers, making it all the more important for hospitality businesses to be proactive about scrutinizing these sites for valuable feedback.

Many businesses are turning to tech specialists or software tools to sift through reviews and determine what the problems are; more often than not, the most common complaints tend to be related to amenities or infrastructural problems – broken air-conditioning, squeaky doors, poor lighting, and so on.

The Times piece even noted the case of Loews Regency in New York, whose design team utilized guest complaints from websites to guide its creative decisions. Even without such incentives, it is also good to be proactive about getting the Hospitality Renovations you need to stay on the cutting-edge of this dynamic industry.

Jaguar Hospitality will work closely with you to deliver the exact Hospitality Renovation Services needed to meet your goals and address your circumstances. For more information, contact 214-295-3574.

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