Friday, May 23, 2014

The Benefits of Sustainable Hospitality Renovations

Concerns about environmental sustainability have lead to a growing trend in building "green", with Hospitality Renovations being no exception. In addition to the obvious benefits to the planet, opting for a more environmentally sustainable establishment has many benefits to your business and patrons alike.

As a leading Hospitality Renovations Company, we’re well-equipped in executing innovative and cost-saving approaches to remodeling that are also beneficial to your bottom line. There is a lot to gain from taking this progressive approach to your renovations.

For example, greener designs and materials help save on energy and resource usage, which in turn saves you money in both the short term and long term. They also promote a more positive image of your business, showing customers that you’re socially and environmentally responsible and thus an ethical facility to patronize.

In fact, reports by hundreds of businesses around the world illustrate that by implementing appropriate management processes they have reduced energy and water consumption costs by more than 20 percent, decreased solid waste and waste water disposal costs by more than 15 percent, improved the quality of the environment in which they operate (which helps in staff and customer health), and improved both employee morale and community relations.

Needless to say, in the hospitality industry your ability to attract clients and promote a positive image is of the utmost importance. Jaguar Hospitality is best suited to helping you promote your environmental and social responsibility. We’re a proud member of the prestigious U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to promoting cost-efficient and energy-saving "green" buildings.

Our membership thus reflects a sincere commitment to taking an environmentally-conscious approach to its business operations. Doing so is a great way to burnish your business’s image, save on energy and maintenance costs, and help the environment along the long. We’re committed to balancing social responsibility with our focus on each client’s unique needs and requirements.

To learn more about what Jaguar Hospitality can do for you, all us at 214-295-3574.

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